Residential Painting: Transform Your Home

At Manor Decor, we understand that your home is your sanctuary, and the way it looks and feels can have a significant impact on your daily life. That's why we offer top-quality residential painting services designed to help you transform your living space into a beautiful, welcoming environment that reflects your unique style and personality. Whether you're looking to freshen up a room, give your home a whole new look, or update your space after a renovation, our skilled team of painters is here to bring your vision to life.

Interior Residential Painting

Our interior residential painting services are designed to help you create a stunning, personalised space that you'll love coming home to. From selecting the perfect colour palette to ensuring a flawless finish, we pay attention to every detail to deliver exceptional results. Our services include:

  • Colour consultation and selection

  • Thorough surface preparation

  • Expert application of premium paints

  • Meticulous clean-up and final inspection

Exterior Residential Painting

First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home is the first thing that guests and passers by will notice. Our exterior residential painting services are designed to enhance your home's curb appeal, protect it from the elements, and increase its value. Our process includes:

  • Thorough cleaning and preparation of exterior surfaces

  • Repair of any cracks, holes, or damage

  • Application of durable, weather-resistant paints

  • Careful attention to details like trim, shutters, and doors

Painting Your Home

Why Choose Manor Decor?

At Manor Decor, we follow a meticulous process to ensure that every commercial exterior painting project we undertake meets our high standards of quality and craftsmanship:
Consultation: The first step in our process is a thorough consultation with you, the homeowner. We'll discuss your vision, preferences, and goals for your painting project, as well as assess the current condition of your home's interior or exterior surfaces. This consultation allows us to develop a customised plan that meets your specific needs and expectations.
Colour Selection: If you need help choosing the perfect colours for your home, our team is here to assist. We can provide expert guidance on colour schemes, finishes, and paint types that will best suit your space and style preferences.
Surface Preparation: Before we begin painting, we take great care to prepare your home's surfaces properly. This step may involve cleaning, sanding, filling cracks or holes, and priming the surfaces to ensure optimal paint adhesion and a smooth, even finish.
Painting: Once the surfaces are prepared, our skilled painters will begin applying the paint using premium materials and proven techniques. We pay close attention to detail, ensuring crisp lines, even coverage, and a flawless finish that will transform your living space.
Clean-up: After the painting is complete, we thoroughly clean up the work area, removing any debris, tools, or materials. We take pride in leaving your home neat and tidy, so you can immediately enjoy your newly painted space without any hassle.
Final Inspection: The last step in our process is a final walkthrough with you to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the results. We'll review the completed work together and address any questions or concerns you may have.

When you choose Manor Decor for your painting needs, you can trust that your home is in capable, caring hands.


We Are Trusted All Over London & Home Counties

Paul and his team were beyond brilliant. Arrived each morning on time , protected everything from, wardrobes, carpets to light fittings and the stairs At the end of each day they removed all protection , hoovered and left everything tidy. Painting was really good., it actually looked as though it had been spray painted In one room Paul insisted on a third coat as he felt he could see a slight missed area, I couldn’t see it The team was so focused on the work that they finished a day early Every room was cleaned and hoovered Including my landing I would recommend Paul 100 per cent

Painting, 5 bed house CM1

Excellent neat and careful work decorating a new extension and renovating existing beams

Painting, RM4

Don't just take out word for it....

A survey by Dulux, one of the UK's leading paint brands, revealed that blue is the most popular colour choice for residential interiors, with 30% of respondents preferring this hue. Neutral shades like grey and white followed closely behind at 25% and 20%, respectively.

A well-maintained, freshly painted home can significantly increase its value. According to research by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a high-quality interior paint job can boost a property's value by up to 5%, while a fresh exterior paint job can add up to 10% to its value.

Painting and decorating is the most popular home improvement project among UK homeowners, with 65% of respondents planning to undertake this type of project in the next 12 months.

FAQS About Residential Painting

How often should I paint the interior of my home?

The frequency of interior painting depends on various factors, such as the room's function, the quality of the previous paint job, and your personal preferences. As a general rule, living rooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms can be painted every 5-7 years, while high-traffic areas like hallways and kitchens may need repainting every 3-4 years. However, if you notice signs of wear, fading, or damage, or if you simply want to update your home's look, you may choose to paint more frequently.

Can you help me choose the right colours for my home?

Absolutely! At Manor Decor, we offer professional colour consultation services to help you select the perfect shades for your home. Our experienced team will take into account your personal style, the room's purpose and lighting, and the latest colour trends to recommend a palette that will transform your space and reflect your unique taste. We can also provide samples and mock-ups to help you visualise the final result before committing to a colour scheme.

How long does a residential painting project typically take?

The duration of a residential painting project varies depending on the size of your home, the number of rooms being painted, the condition of the surfaces, and the complexity of the job. On average, painting a single room can take 1-2 days, while a full interior painting project for a medium-sized home may take 1-2 weeks. Our team at Manor Decor will provide you with a detailed timeline and keep you informed of our progress throughout the project to ensure a smooth, efficient process.

Do I need to move all my furniture and belongings out of the room before painting?

While it's not always necessary to completely empty the room, it is important to move large furniture pieces away from the walls and cover them with protective sheets to prevent any paint splatters or damage. Our team at Manor Decor will help you prepare the room for painting, including moving furniture, removing outlet covers and switch plates, and covering floors and other surfaces with drop cloths. We'll also work with you to minimise any disruption to your daily routine during the painting process.

What kind of paint do you use, and is it safe for my family and pets?

At Manor Decor, we prioritise the health and safety of our clients and their families. That's why we use high-quality, low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) paints that minimise odours and emissions without compromising on durability or finish quality. Our paints are safe for use in homes with children and pets, and we can also provide eco-friendly and hypoallergenic options upon request. We'll work with you to select the best paint products for your specific needs and preferences.

Contact Paul Seaman For An Estimate

When it comes to transforming your home through expert residential painting services, there's no better choice than Paul Seaman and his team at Manor Decor. With over two decades of experience in the industry and a stellar reputation backed by more than 90 5-star reviews on Checkatrade, Paul has established himself as the go-to professional for discerning homeowners who demand the highest quality workmanship and unparalleled customer service.

What sets Paul apart is his unwavering commitment to excellence in every aspect of his work. From the initial consultation to the final brushstroke, Paul approaches each project with meticulous attention to detail, a keen eye for aesthetics, and a dedication to using only the finest quality materials. His passion for his craft is evident in the stunning, long-lasting results he consistently delivers, transforming ordinary living spaces into extraordinary showcases of beauty and style.

But Paul's expertise goes beyond just technical skill. His warm, personable demeanour and genuine desire to understand and fulfil his clients' unique needs and preferences have earned him a loyal following among homeowners who appreciate not only his exceptional painting abilities but also his integrity, reliability, and clear communication throughout the project. When you choose Paul Seaman and Manor Decor for your residential painting needs, you can trust that you're not just getting a painter, but a true partner in your home transformation.

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