Commercial Interior Painting: Transforming Your Business Space

At Manor Decor, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and visually appealing commercial interior. Our expert commercial interior painting services are designed to enhance the appearance, durability, and value of your business space, creating a positive impression on clients and employees alike.

The Benefits of Professional Commercial Interior Painting

Investing in professional commercial interior painting offers a range of benefits for your business. A fresh, quality paint job can:

  • Improve the overall appearance and atmosphere of your commercial space

  • Increase the durability and longevity of your interior surfaces

  • Enhance the perceived value of your property

  • Boost employee morale and productivity

  • Create a positive impression on customers and clients

Choosing the Right Colours for Your Commercial Interior

Selecting the right colours for your commercial interior is crucial for creating the desired ambiance and aligning with your brand identity.

  • Your company's brand colours and visual identity

  • The intended mood and atmosphere for your space

  • The psychological impact of different colours on employees and customers

  • The specific requirements of your industry and target audience

Painting Your Commercial Interiors

The Commercial Interior Painting Process: What to Expect

When you choose Manor Decor for your commercial interior painting project, you can expect a seamless, professional experience from start to finish. Our process includes:

Initial Consultation: We meet with you to discuss your goals, preferences, and timeline

Surface Preparation: Our team thoroughly cleans, repairs, and primes the surfaces to ensure a flawless finish.

Painting: We use premium, low-VOC paints and proven techniques to achieve a smooth, even, and durable result.

Final Walkthrough: We inspect the completed work with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Throughout the process, we take great care to minimise disruption to your business operations, ensuring a smooth and efficient painting experience.


We Are Trusted All Over London & Home Counties

The work carried out was of high standard, always kept tidy during the day an put away and cleaned at night. Paul is a charming man and look forward for more decorating to be done. Great job .

Interior painting, RM1

Manor Decor have made a superb job of decorating our new build extension and existing hallway. Good communication, turned up when agreed and on time, attention to detail and left clean. 5 star service.

Interior Painting, CM1

Don't just take out word for it....

A study by the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA) revealed that 95% of customers form an opinion about a business based on the appearance of its premises.

A report by the British Coating Federation (BCF) states that regular painting and maintenance can extend the lifespan of a commercial property by up to 10 years, thereby increasing its long-term value.

According to a survey by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), well-maintained commercial buildings can command rental premiums of up to 10% compared to similar properties in poor condition.

FAQS About Commercial Interior Painting

How often should I repaint my commercial interior?

The frequency of repainting your commercial interior depends on several factors, such as the level of foot traffic, the type of business, and the quality of the previous paint job. As a general rule, high-traffic areas like lobbies, hallways, and restrooms may need repainting every 2-3 years, while lower-traffic areas like offices and conference rooms can typically last 4-5 years or more. However, it's essential to monitor the condition of your paint and address any signs of wear, damage, or fading promptly to maintain a professional appearance.

Can you paint during business hours, or will it disrupt our operations?

At Manor Decor, we understand that minimising disruption to your business operations is a top priority. We work closely with our clients to develop a painting schedule that accommodates their needs. In many cases, we can arrange to paint during off-hours, weekends, or holidays to minimise any impact on your daily activities. If painting during business hours is necessary, we take great care to work efficiently, maintain a clean and organised workspace, and communicate clearly with your staff to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

What steps do you take to ensure a high-quality, long-lasting finish?

Achieving a high-quality, long-lasting finish requires a combination of skill, experience, and the use of premium materials. At Manor Decor, we follow a thorough process to ensure the best possible results:

Surface Preparation: We meticulously clean, repair, and prime all surfaces to create a smooth, even base for painting. This step is critical for ensuring proper paint adhesion and a flawless finish.

Quality Materials: We use only the highest-quality, low-VOC paints and primers from trusted manufacturers. These products provide superior coverage, durability, and colour retention, ensuring your commercial interior looks great for years to come.

Skilled Craftsmanship: Our team of experienced painters employs proven techniques and pays close attention to detail to achieve a smooth, even, and consistent finish. We take pride in our workmanship and strive for excellence in every project.

Final Inspection: Before considering a project complete, we conduct a thorough final walkthrough with our clients to ensure their complete satisfaction. We address any concerns or touch-ups immediately to guarantee a flawless end result.

By following these steps and maintaining open communication with our clients, we deliver exceptional commercial interior painting results that exceed expectations and stand the test of time.

Contact Paul Seaman For An Estimate

As the founder of Manor Decor, Paul Seaman's passion for commercial interior painting shines through in every project he undertakes. With over two decades of experience in the industry, Paul has honed his skills and developed a keen eye for transforming commercial spaces into stunning, welcoming environments.

Paul's love for commercial interior painting is rooted in his appreciation for the unique challenges and opportunities that each project presents. He thrives on working closely with business owners and property managers to understand their vision and bring it to life through expertly crafted colour schemes and flawless execution. Whether he's working on a trendy bistro, a sophisticated office space, or a bustling retail store, Paul approaches every job with enthusiasm, dedication, and a commitment to excellence.

Extensive Experience in Restaurant and Commercial Painting

Throughout his career, Paul has had the privilege of painting a wide variety of commercial premises, with a particular focus on restaurants. He understands that a restaurant's interior plays a crucial role in creating the right atmosphere and leaving a lasting impression on diners. Paul has painted numerous restaurants across London and the Home Counties, from modern, contemporary cafes to high-end dining establishments, each time delivering a finish that perfectly complements the eatery's style and ambiance.

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